Drop out of your busy mind, into the peace and wisdom of your heart. This powerful meditation will help you feel protected, peaceful, loved, and newly inspired.
The Heart’s electromagnetic field is shown to be approximately 60 times more powerful than the brain. According to researchers at the HeartMath Institute, the heart’s field contains special coding and information which is transmitted throughout and outside of the body. These researchers have been able to detect and measure this field several feet away from a person’s body.
Researchers have also found that intentionally generated positive emotions can change the coding and information within the heart’s field.
During this beautiful Heart Breath Meditation, you will access the power of your own heart to generate a sense of peace and clarity. Because the heart’s energy is more powerful than the brain’s, this meditation will help bring your brain into coherence with your heart. This coherence, between heart and brain, will help you think more clearly, calmly, and effectively. In addition, this Heart Breath Meditation will allow you to access the wisdom of your heart, to help you answer life’s important questions.
30 Minute Session — $65
To Schedule your Heart Breath Meditation, contact me.