Stuffing, mashed potatoes, pie, cookies, candy, wine, and special drinks are the perfect holiday fare. But we all know how easy it is to over-indulge. And, how sleepy, foggy, and sickly we can feel from eating or drinking too much.
So, for times of seasonal over-indulgence, I’ve devised a quick arsenal of tips to clear the fog. Sugar, alcohol, caffeine, and heavy foods are all acid-forming. Too many acid-forming foods will upset your pH balance, causing you to feel discomfort. The following tips will help you re-alkalize your system and clear your body-mind.
- Drink a glass of “green” drink before bed and upon rising. — A concentrated green powder drink or fresh green juice will help to re-alkalize your system, reducing the acid-effect from refined carbohydrates.
- Drink green tea instead of coffee. Coffee has more caffeine than green tea, and can overwork your adrenal glands — making you tired. The theanine in green tea provides a calming effect, and tempers the negative effects of the caffeine, while still promoting focus.
- Drink lemon water. Keep some organic lemons on hand. Fresh lemon squeezed into water will help flush toxins out of your system. Brush or rinse your teeth afterwards.
- Drink a glass of Emergen-C, 1-2 times a day.The Vitamin C will help boost your immunity, the B Vitamins will boost your brain power. Stress, refined carbs, and alcohol deplete these vitamins.
- Drink a teaspoon or two of raw apple cider vinegar with 1 cup of water. Helpful for morning-after head ache and indigestion.
- Try a dab or two (1-2 teaspoons) of umeboshi plum paste after a meal or an evening out. Umeboshi plum is sour and salty, and will help you digest your food and re-adjust the effects of holiday treats.
- Eat miso soup. Miso soup, when made correctly, is nourishing, alkalizing, detoxifying, and probiotic. Contact me if you’d like my easy recipe.
Easy Alkalizer Juice
Alkalizing and cleansing. Perfect for the morning after too much of anything.
1 cucumber
4 stalks celery
1 green apple, cored and seeded (do not juice seeds)
1 handful greens such as spinach, kale, baby greens, lettuce, dandelion greens, etc.
Juice all ingredients together in juicer.
Enjoy the season!
P.S. EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques) works wonders for food cravings. Contact me if you’d like to learn how.
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