Look anywhere in nature to see continual flow. Nourishment flows ground-up to reach the tippy top leaves on a tree. Water flows down from heavy clouds to nourish the ground below. Rivers and brooks flow through pathways of rocks and roots to nourish wider waters beyond.
Nature’s flow is easy. Knows where it’s going.
Digestive flow is meant to be easy. Flow just happens, easily, when pathways are strong and clear. And, just as in outdoors, when pathways are blocked or weakened, flow is stopped, disrupted. Sometimes it runs out of control.
The message, really, is quite simple. To strengthen digestive flow, go back to nature.
An organic plant-based diet will give you the vitamins, minerals, and fiber crucial for optimal digestive flow.
Naturally fermented foods, such as sauerkraut and kimchi, will empower your digestion with enzymes and probiotics.
Clean, clear water will carry the flow of nourishment, and clear the path to ease the flow.
Yoga, deep breathing, and walks in Nature will soothe and strengthen the flow.
In a nutshell. Pure foods and easy movement for easy natural flow.
Contact me for guidance in harnessing your own easy flow.
Where do you see flow in Nature? Post your questions and comments below.
Be Well,
Nourish Your Body-Mind, Transform Your Life