The moments and days following the recent Supreme Court Ruling were like a love-drenched dream.
Just hours after the ruling, an impromptu gathering formed on the steps of Maplewood’s Town Hall in my home town. A joyful celebration bursting with gleeful hoorahs, laughter, and rainbow banners. Families and children, young and old, of differing faith, ethnicity, and sexual orientation, all coming together, fueled by the power of Love.
The feeling of love was potent in the days following the ruling. Everywhere — the photos, the rainbows, the lovely reminders that #LoveWins
And then slowly, and surely, we slid back to ‘normal.’ Bringing our focus back to more ‘pressing’ issues. Forgetting the feeling of those first few days. The potency dissipating, as we fall out of love.
But, what if each day, each moment, we allow Love to win? What would that mean?
Would it mean acting more loving towards the people in our lives?
Would it mean letting love win in the midst of a heated argument?
Would it mean embracing self-love during triggering moments?
Would it mean lovingly attending to our daily obligations?
Would it mean that we love ourselves more completely?
Love is powerful, unifying, healing, beautiful, divine. It’s what we’re all seeking. So often searching, and never finding.
And yet there it is, all along, inside our hearts. That potent energy of love, seeking to express.
Researchers at the Institute for HeartMath, tell us that the heart is the most powerful generator of electromagnetic energy in the human body. Its electrical field is about 60 times greater than the brain’s. When infused with loving feelings, the heart’s power is truly magnificent.
It’s this radiant, loving heart energy that we feel when we’re falling in love. That uplifts us when we perform acts of meaningful volunteerism. That makes the vision of a baby’s face so incredibly irresistible.
It’s this potent power of love that propels us to celebrate and expand what’s good and right with the world.
When we allow it, LoveWins, every time. Let’s keep it going.
Interested in using EFT Tapping to boost self-love? Contact me.
Great article, Marian! One of the things that helps me stay tuned into love is gratitude and appreciation.
I have a couple of daily rituals that really help with this… in the morning, I often do a little gratitude “prayer” where I verbally list out some things that I’m grateful for and then make requests and set intentions for the day. In the evening, I write down at least 5 things I’m grateful for before I got to bed (I usually end up writing more than 5 because it feels so good).
PJ Van Hulle
Executive Director
Real Prosperity, Inc.
“Have Fun. Do Good. Make Money.”