“Praise and blame, gain and loss, pleasure and sorrow come and go like the wind. To be happy, rest like a giant tree, in the midst of them all.” – Buddha
Life in the middle of a graveyard. This tree stands in the center of Basking Ridge NJ — the town where I grew up.
The graves date back to the Revolutionary War. The tree is much older – from the days when the Lenni-Lenape inhabited the land.
Surrounded by worn-down, crumbling, gravestones, that tree stands strong. It’s still growing, still thriving. Never bending to upheavals all around. Talk about focus.
And to think that this gigantic beauty began its epic life inside a tiny little acorn.
Of course, an acorn has no power to grow unless it’s well grounded, well nourished by Nature’s elemental forces.
Before it can grow strong and mighty, the acorn must soften, and surrender into the Earth. Only when it’s firmly rooted , can it can grow beyond the Earth’s nurturing womb.
Fully connected, fully supported, fully nourished, the acorn grows into the mighty Oak Tree — expressing it’s full potential. Without the synergistic cooperation of these conditions, the acorn turns to food for the squirrels.
This grand old oak reminds us that it’s really quite simple to reach our fullest potential.
Here, in an acorn shell, are lessons from this tree:
- Stay grounded.
- Eat a nourishing, plant-based diet.
- Drink plenty of clean water.
- Breath clean fresh air.
- Connect with supportive family and friends.
- Stay calm, focused, and flexible during life’s storms.
- Follow your inner guidance.
- Surrender to a higher source.
- Be authentic.
- Express your divine potential.
- Share your beauty and your strength.
To learn how to use EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) to tap into your true potential, contact me for a free 30 minute introductory session.
What will you do today to nourish and grow your potential? Post your answer below.
Be Well!