When a strong gust of life blows you off track, it can be tough to stay grounded. I know, I’ve been there many times. Especially, it seems, during the last couple of months. Between the holidays, the news, illness, and family obligations, I’ve been easily distracted. I’ve been actively finding ways to ground myself, in order stay focused. Today I’m sharing my personal true-and-tried tips to help you bring yourself back to Earth.
Illness, a difficult challenge, or a traumatic event, can easily uproot your sense of peace and wellbeing. Unexpected obstacles can dismantle your best intentions, leaving you feeling distracted, scattered, anxious, and irritable.
The more uncomfortable you feel, the more likely you will seek an escape from your pain. It could be anything from a walk outside, an online-surf, or a slice of chocolate cake. There’s nothing wrong with any of these. It’s when you’re stuck in an ongoing pattern of avoidance, that it causes problems for your life.
The key is to stay present in the moment. If you’re lost in worries about the future, or regrets from the past, you’re not present. And, when you’re not present, it’s easy to escape into unhealthy habits of avoidance.
Here are steps to keep yourself grounded and productive, even when you feel like you’ve been blown off course.
Write – When it’s tough to stay focused, take a break to write down your feelings. Get in touch with yourself. Allow yourself to write down your stream of consciousness. Ask for guidance. For example, if you’re having trouble getting your work done, ask for clarity about your next best step. Wait for the answer to arise. Write it down. Honor your intuition by following this guidance.
Enjoy Nature – Take a half-hour walk outdoors. If it’s warm enough, walk barefoot. Spend time nurturing your indoor plants. Gaze upon a beautiful horizon. Notice what’s strong and grounded in Nature.
Move Your Body — Stretch and bend. Breath, slowly and deeply. Dance. Do yoga or tai chi. Bounce on a trampoline. March in place. Do your favorite exercise routine. Get back into your body.
Massage Yourself – Massage your hands, your face, your ears, your head, your arms, your lower back, your buttocks, your legs, and your feet. Self massage will help release tension and anxiety trapped in your body. It will also help bring you back into your body.
Nourish Yourself — Eat an abundance of organic vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Favor root and ground vegetables, which are packed with nutrients to help you stay centered and balanced.
Avoid Stimulants – Caffeine, alcohol, sugar, and refined carbohydrates all offer temporary relief from discomfort. However, they will also weaken you — at a time when you most need your strength.
Complete a Household or Office Task – Tasks such as cooking and cleaning are especially grounding. If you feel like you’re getting nothing done, take a break to complete a simple task. Prep dinner, wash dishes, clear some clutter from your desk. The feeling of accomplishment will help inspire you to continue with your work.
Limit Social Media & Web Use — When you feel scattered or anxious, a quick visit to Facebook can turn into an hour of web-surfing. Turn off social-media notifications on your computer and phone. Close your email reader. Decide on the specific time and amount of time you will spend on electronic media each day, and allow yourself to enjoy this time.
Use EFT Tapping — EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) helps reduce the mind-chatter and stressful feelings that keep you distracted. If you are new to EFT, contact me for a free Intro-to-EFT session. Click here to learn more about EFT.
When life has got you scattered , take good care of yourself. Schedule breaks for walks, massage, nourishing foods, friends, and creative expression. Honor your need for healthy escape. Ground yourself, and you will find focus.
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