I love Matrix Reimprinting! I love experiencing it as a client, and I LOVE sharing it with my clients. My clients are amazed at the power of this work to help them quickly resolve long-standing triggers and beliefs. They’re thrilled with the increased feelings of love, joy, creativity, courage, and support that are created during a Matrix Reimprinting session.
Matrix Reimprinting adds a whole new dimension to EFT Tapping. It’s a powerful, experiential process which uses both EFT Tapping and creative visualization to transform disempowering beliefs and feelings. It’s a safe and gentle process, where you connect with younger parts of yourself at the times when your limiting beliefs were originally created.
Karl Dawson, creator of the Matrix Reimprinting Method, named our younger selves, our ECHOs — or, Energetic Consciousness Holograms. These ECHOs hold memories, emotions, and beliefs, formed during life’s traumatic and painful events. When gently approached with EFT Tapping, our ECHOs will give us the gems of information that empower us to transform our lives.
In a nutshell, here’s how it works: (This work is best done with a certified practitioner)
We start with a persistent feeling or belief. Using EFT Tapping to connect more deeply within, we allow this feeling to lead us back to an earlier, younger time, where we felt this same feeling and belief. (The subconscious knows how to do this, it’s not something the head has to figure out.)
We connect with our younger self (ECHO), taking the role as our current self to talk to our younger self. We talk to the ECHO in order to find out how she/he is feeling and thinking. We use EFT Tapping to help the ECHO feel better — allowing them to feel calmer and more relaxed. (This really works.)
Next, we assist the ECHO in making choices and decisions to resolve their situation. This can include bringing in helpful resources such as people, characters, natural elements, angels, etc. We assist the ECHO in creating a scene where he/she feels empowered, supported, and loved. It is this process that enables the ECHO to let go of limiting, negative beliefs. (This part is simply awe-inspiring.)
Once the ECHO has attained the desired feelings and beliefs, we imprint the scene by using a special energetic process. This allows for the new scene to be imprinted in the subconscious mind. This process can be used to imprint desirable scenes in both the past and in the future. (This enables us to envision our lives in completely new ways.)
In Matrix Reimprinting we do not attempt to deny factual events, rather we resolve the feelings and beliefs that have been left frozen in time.
This powerful process enables us to cultivate desirable feelings such as love, success, creativity, compassion, forgiveness, courage, and power. It allows us to replace negative beliefs with positive beliefs. These feelings and beliefs, along with the visual scenes, are imprinted into our subconscious, and into the matrix, making them accessible for continued self-empowerment.
I would love to talk to you about Matrix Reimprinting, and how it can help you resolve your limiting patterns and beliefs.
Click here for more information.
Step into the Matrix. You’ll be amazed at the wisdom and beauty you’ll find there!
In Courage,
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