My clients often tell me about feeling challenged to stay happy and calm in a world that can feel so cold, hard, and even toxic at times. This challenge can feel especially acute for those of us who are highly sensitive and empathic. Often there’s a question about how to handle ‘difficult’ people and challenges without falling off track, getting stepped upon, or hurt in some way. Although it is certainly not possible to control anyone, there are many ways to make situations better by shifting our perceptions, and healing our inner triggers.
Here are some tips to help you not only survive, but truly thrive in the world today.
Let go of trying to change people. It’s wasted energy. Focus instead on cultivating your own inner-peace with your favorite practices. When we’re feeling peaceful, everything feels easier. And, many times, the person, or situation will seem less challenging as well. Let go of your need to be right, or fix someone, and observe how others respond.
Work on your own triggers. When things get tough, it’s easy to get triggered. If you feel triggered by someone’s actions, or by an event or circumstance, that’s a sign that you might have unhealed wounds. Use these uncomfortable situations as a way to send love and compassion to your inner wounds. Sometimes, this compassion is enough to soothe an inflamed trigger. EFT Tapping helps to deactivate triggers, so that you can feel more comfortable, no matter what’s going on. Contact me to find out how to use EFT Tapping to deactivate your triggers.
Speak up for yourself. Even though it might feel more comfortable to stay silent when people or situations upset you, speaking up for yourself is crucial. This doesn’t mean unleashing your anger at every upsetting circumstance. On the contrary. If you’re feeling anxious, or highly emotional, it’s best to pause to allow yourself to breathe slowly, and deeply. This will help you reduce cortisol, and relax your nervous system. When you’re relaxed, the thinking part of your brain receives more blood, and is therefore more effective. This will allow you to articulate what you need to say. It will also increase your chances of being heard. (If you find that you’re not calm enough to speak, consider speaking up at a time when you feel calmer.)
Take Control of your Media Usage. Social media, tv, and news all take a toll on our vitality. Stay mindful about your listening, viewing, and reading choices. This doesn’t mean you have to put your head in the sand. Instead, by choosing wisely, and limiting your media usage, you will cultivate a sense of balanced control.
Detox your environment. To truly thrive, detoxifying your environment is necessary. Environmental toxins found in water, air, plastics, and textiles will put a strain on your energy and nervous system. When possible, take action to eliminate or reduce your exposure to environmental toxins. This might mean filtering your water or air, reducing your use of plastic, or gradually replacing synthetics with natural fabrics. It’s worth it.
Eat clean. Eat plenty of greens, eliminate or reduce simple carbs, and drink lots of water. Choose minimally processed, and organic when possible. If you eat animal products, grass-fed, and wild are usually your best choices for minimal exposure to toxins.
Detox Your Body-Mind – Salt baths, yoga, meditation, dance, exercise, massage, prayer, and mind-body therapies are all excellent tools to keep yourself vibrant and happy. Regular practice, especially for sensitive people, is crucial to maintain vibrant happiness and health.
Take care of yourself. We need your light!
In Courage,
To schedule a FREE 30 Minute Call, where I’ll help you get clear on your best strategy to honor your sensitivity, and give you a tool to turn it into a superpower, click here.
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