Going green means many things – recycling, hybrids, organic cleaning products… When I talk about going green, I mean eating green. The color green, that is. Eat green to fight fatigue.
Green was my favorite color as a child, but I didn’t much like it on my plate. “Eat your greens” was a command I resisted, like most of us did. Many still do.
Despite any resistance you may have, I’m going to tell you to EAT AND DRINK YOUR GREENS to slay your sick-and-tired slump.
Green, chlorophyll- and mineral-rich foods help alkalize your system. This means they will help you maintain a slightly alkalized body chemistry, which is the basis of good health and vibrant energy. Alkaline-forming foods include most vegetables.
Refined carbs, sugar, protein rich foods, coffee, and alcohol, (you know, all of our favorite comfort foods) are acid-forming foods. Too many acid foods combined with too much stress will deplete your body’s minerals and zap your energy.
When my energy begs for a boost, I turn to my trusty jar of concentrated greens. I like Garden of Life Perfect Food, but there are a number of excellent products out there. Look for a product with a variety of algae, grasses, and sea vegetables.
Stir one scoop into water, stir and drink. Some of you might not like it too much, but do it anyway. One, or even two, servings a day is one of the best ways I know to shift out of a de-mineralized, acid-induced fatigue.
It’s also a great way to ‘eat’ greens, for those of you who have a hard time getting enough vegetables.
Every day life can be extremely acid-forming for our systems, making us sick and tired. Sometimes a concentrated boost of alkalizing greens, is just what we need to break free of the slump.
You be amazed at how good you can feel.
Stay tuned for more funk-busting, slump-slaying goodies.