EFT has got to be one of the easiest, most effective ways to release stress, limiting beliefs, and unwanted emotions. I use it on myself, and with my clients.
I am constantly amazed at EFT’s power!
In quick nutshell, here’s how EFT works:
1. According to EFT creator Gary Craig, “The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.” When we clear the energy disruption, we clear the negative emotions.
2. EFT works by tapping on specific meridian endpoints to release and clear energy. There is an easy-to-learn ‘basic recipe.’
3. Our bodies remember our experiences. Painful experiences, which are not properly cleared, form blocks in our energy system. This creates a disruption to our natural energy flow.
4. Painful memories (energy disruptions) are triggered by events and people which seem similar to the original event. By clearing the energy disruption, the memory is deactivated, losing its trigger-ability.
5. Neural pathways are strengthened and ‘thickened’ by consistently believing and thinking the same thoughts. And vice versa. The stronger a neural pathway, the stronger the belief. These thick neural pathways are what ‘keep’ us in all sorts of limiting belief, thought, and behavior patterns.
6. EFT helps disassemble old neural pathways, clearing energy disruptions, stress, negative emotions, and beliefs. Once a neural pathway is dissembled, it can be reassembled into new positive pathways.
7. EFT is easy to use. Once you learn it, you will always have it at the tip of your fingers. Working with an EFT practitioner is helpful for working with persistent issues.
Questions? Want to know more about how you can use EFT? Leave your comments below.
Contact me to learn how to use The Basic Recipe for EFT.
Be Well, Marian
Disclaimer: While EFT has been used by thousands of health professionals and individuals worldwide with minimal negative side effects, this does not mean that you will not experience any side effects. If you use EFT on yourself or others, please take full responsibility for yourself and the treatment. Always consult with a medical professional for medical concerns.