I’m keeping this post extra short with a shortlist of books I love. These books are potent and you might want to keep them handy so you can revisit them again and again.
The Untethered Soul
by Michael Singer
This beautiful book is simple, and profound. Michael Singer takes us on a lovely dive through consciousness, into the liberation of the soul. It’s in this place of the soul, that we find freedom from the thoughts that bind us. Rich, and meditative.
The Easiest Way to Live
by Mabel Katz
This book is based on Ho’oponopono, the ancient Hawaiian art of problem-solving. Mabel Katz teaches us how to use the Ho-oponopono prayer: I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You, I Love You. The philosphy: when we take responsibility for our lives, we can heal our lives. A thoughtful, insightful book, for those who are interested in learning how to use Ho’oponopono to make life easier.
Everything is Here to Help You. A Loving Guide To Your Soul’s Evolution,
By Matt Kahn
Although this is perhaps the most woo-woo of the bunch, this book has practical guidance for evolving your soul. Matt Kahn gives us step-by-step guidance for moving from ego-driven blame and self-denial, into self-love and authentic expression. Included is a chapter with clearings and prayers to help the reader clear out old beliefs and patterns.
Crossing to Avalon
By Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD
Beautifully written, Jean Shinoda Bolen brings us on a pilgrimage through some of the most sacred sites in Europe. A blending of memoir, myth, and the mystical Holy Grail, Bolen guides the reader into a deeper appreciation of the sacred feminine. Rich in spiritual metaphor, this is the kind of book you’ll want to savor, slowly.
The Empath Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People
by Judith Orloff, MD
This is a great self-help book for sensitive, empathic people. Psychiatrist Judith Orloff, an empath herself, gives us assessments, tools, and techniques to navigate a not-so-sensitive world. A helpful book, combining expert guidance, and first-hand experience.
Enjoy! Let me know which are your favorite books for diving deep into your soul! Leave a comment below.
In Love and Courage,
To learn how to use EFT Tapping and Matrix Reimprinting to go deeper within your own consciousness, contact me.
The Duino Elegies – Rainer Maria Rilke
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek – Annie Dillard
Help, Thanks, Wow – Ann Lamott
Thanks Annie! I will definitely add these to my list!