We’ve had a lot of fog lately here in NJ. Dense fog. Fog deep enough to disrupt the morning commute. The kind of fog that completely masks what lies ahead.
A dark cloudy day can sometimes make me feel unfocused, and stuck. The greyness of the sky clouds my thinking. Fortunately, a couple rounds of EFT and a cup of green tea will usually help me clarify my mind.
Fog is another story. Fog distorts and inhibits far-sighted vision. Fog is blinding, limiting, fear-inducing. Venturing into the fog is like walking off the edge — you have no idea what lies ahead.
In fact, traffic experts agree — the safest way to drive in fog is to not drive at all.
But the thing about fog, is that you KNOW it will lift. You KNOW the sun is shining somewhere — and that it will eventually shine for you.
With that knowing, you can choose what to do. You can choose to surrender to this temporary circumstance. Or you can choose to go up against it.
If you choose to surrender– you might just notice that THE ONLY PLACE YOU CAN SEE CLEARLY IS RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE!
Life gets foggy sometimes. It’s in those moments of deep fog, when nothing seems clear, that clarity can be found from deep within. Surrender. Take the time to listen to your spirit. Relax into your feelings. Gather your resources. Nourish your strength. Take deep care of yourself.
When the sun finally comes out — you’ll be ready.
Find out how EFT can help you clear your fog. Learn more here.
Contact me for a complimentary 30-minute INTRO-TO-EFT session.