I caught a little cold over the holidays. Alas, all the holiday fare knocked out my immunity. (I tend to be a slight bit more sensitive than the average soul) My trusty friend Ume (umeboshi plum) helped me enormously, but I was left with considerable congestion.
Luckily, I had recently bought an enormous daikon radish at a Chinese Market near my home. Although I love daikon radish, I don’t use it very often. Daikon is smelly. As soon as you cut into it, shred it, or cook it, it releases its sulfur-like aroma. No one in my family likes the smell. So, I don’t use it often.
However, Daikon is FABULOUS for clearing out sinuses. (It’s a also a good digestive.) In Chinese Medicine, pungent vegetables such as daikon, garlic, horseradish, and onion are used to break up and dissolve phlegm. Grapefruit and orange rind are also very effective.
Here’s a quick recipe for Daikon Clearing Tea. It works! I drank the tea, ate the shredded radish, and my congestion cleared away within no time.
Daikon Clearing Tea
½ daikon radish, shredded
3-4 cups filtered water
Zest of ½ – 1 lemon
Dash of soy sauce to taste.
1. Put shredded daikon radish, lemon peel, and water into a medium sauce pot. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 20-30 minutes.
2. Pour tea through a strainer into a glass or mug. Add soy sauce to taste.
3. Leave any remaining tea/daikon mixture on stove for later use.
4. Eat remaining cooked daikon radish.
Enjoy this beautiful New Year.
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