Face it, we really don’t know what life will look like when we get through all “this”. If you’re like so many right now, myself included, you might be trying to figure out what you should do, or how things might go, or what next year will bring.
We’re in the middle of the big unknown. A big pile of unknowns. And because this is all so unfamiliar, it’s easy to approach it with alarm, and even dread.
But what if, in the midst of it all, we find what we’ve been yearning for. What if… we find ourselves.
What if we:
Go deeper into the pockets of our consciousness.
Let go of outdated beliefs and patterns.
Learn more of what we’re meant to learn.
Explore more of our heart’s desires.
Find new avenues of joy to spark the creative spirit within.
Allow ourselves to imagine a big pile of best solutions, no matter how ‘impractical’ they seem.
The unknown, remember, is unlimited. It’s when we limit it with worries that we forget how truly unlimited it is. Here are a couple suggestions to move beyond some common struggles, to help it feel a little easier. Enjoy!
Sending Love and Peace,
P.S. If you need help moving through your fears of the unknown, contact me to learn more about the fear-busting power of EFT Tapping and Matrix Reimprinting.