Truth be told, I’m the queen of stuck. I’ve been stuck so many times, so many ways, it’s amazing I’m even writing this blog.
It sucks to be stuck.
I judge it, I hate it, I call it bad.
But stuck is stuck for a reason. There’s always something there.
When I’m stuck, and I manage to stop judging myself, I usually notice a bunch of uncomfortable feelings and beliefs simmering just beneath the surface.
So often it boils down to fear.
Fear of not knowing what to do. Fear of doing the wrong thing. Fear of mistakes. Fear of rejection. Fear that I won’t have what it takes. And that old persistent fear of shining.
It’s when I stop to listen to my feelings that I can take steps to release them.
That’s when I use EFT Tapping, or Heart Breath, or guided visualization, to help me clear old patterns of fear and restriction.
When I clear what holds me back, I feel free to move forward.
Next time you feel stuck, take a moment to go inside, and notice what you’re feeling. Notice what you’re telling yourself. Notice what seems to be in your way.
Once you’re clear about what’s going on inside, use a technique such as EFT, or work with an EFT Practitioner, or therapist, to clear unwanted feelings and beliefs.
When you’re clear of old stuck emotions and limiting patterns, you’ll feel much more confident, and inspired, to move forward.
Click here for a complimentary Heart Breath Audio.
Click here to apply for a complimentary 30-Minute Unleash Your Creative Genius Clarity Call.
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