It’s time. Time to empower ourselves so we can navigate the tumultuous terrain ahead. We’re being called to step up, stand up, and make change happen.
What I truly believe, is that the more we honor our sensitivity and compassion, the more sensitivity and compassion we’ll bring to our sometimes insensitive world. Too often, it’s the sensitive soul who stays in the background. It’s time to take a stand for the beauty and love within all of us.
It’s time for Bold Sensitivity.
Here are 18 ways to help yourself feel more empowered this year, and beyond.
Clean up Your Food – Eat clean, green, and lean. Detoxify your system, of excess sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and carbs, all of which will weaken your system.
Boost Your Immunity – Use herbs and superfoods such as astragalus, hibiscus, maca, green drinks, shiitakes, burdock, probiotic foods, and umeboshi plum. All will help strengthen your immunity.
Strengthen your boundaries – By giving and doing for too many, you will deplete your power. Set clear, healthy boundaries around your time and space. If you find yourself overwhelmed by loose boundaries, tackle them one by one, starting with a simple one.
Meditate each morning – Morning meditation will help empower you throughout your entire day.
Clean up your self-talk — Negative self-talk will weaken your spirit. Here’s a way to clean it up: Get a pen and paper. In the left-hand column, write down a list of negative things you commonly say to yourself. In the right column, write a list of corresponding positive responses you can tell yourself instead. Practice your positive responses.
Challenge yourself – Open up to challenges. Expand your limits. Don’t be afraid of being a beginner, or of making mistakes. The more you challenge yourself, the more proficient you’ll become, and the more powerful you’ll feel!
Exercise your core – The third chakra, the abdominal area, is our power center. The more you exercise it, the more centered and powerful you’ll feel. Try yoga, pilates, sit-ups, crunches, and/or any other exercises that will strengthen your core.
Clear Your Energy System — Use EFT Tapping to clear unwanted feelings. EFT tapping works to clear energy disruptions, allowing you to access your authentic power more easily. Click here for a diagram of the points.
Create Nurturing, Empowering Routines — Incorporate nurturing, empowering, routines into your daily life. How will you start your day? How will you help yourself enjoy and fully participate in your day? How will you end your day, so that you sleep well, and wake refreshed?
Surround yourself with encouraging people — Surround yourself with people who will help build you up when you’re down, and who will encourage your strengths, abilities, and dreams.
Do a media detox — There’s a lot of toxicity in the news these days. Too much of it can feel depleting, exhausting, and overwhelming. Allow yourself a detox by limiting your exposure, turning off notifications, switching the channel. Decide how and when you will get the news. Be in control.
Do something you’re passionate about – Engage your passions! Whatever they are! Read, write, play music, sing, create art, volunteer, speak up, take a stand. Ignite your passions feel the sense of true empowerment.
Do Something Scary — It doesn’t have to be a big scary. Anything scary will do. What I hear about most from my clients (and myself) is the big sense of relief that comes from getting it over with. And, often it’s not as bad as we thought. The best part is that you’ll emerge feeling more empowered, with a renewed sense of courage.
Watch an inspiring movie — Watch a fact-based documentary about someone who inspires you. Use your inspiration to express yourself in a bold new way.
Ask for help – Asking for help can be very empowering. If you need help, connect with a trustworthy friend, coach, counselor, or therapist. We can’t do everything alone — we become far more powerful when we work together.
Get an accountability partner — Ask a friend or colleague to assist you in committing to self-empowerment. The more you show up for your commitments, the more empowered you’ll feel.
Create a list of power words – Create a list of words that give a sense of self-empowerment, or that describe ways in which you’d like to feel. For example, use words such as: productive, courageous, prosperous, prolific, and strong. Post these words around your space so that you see them regularly.
Listen – Listen to whatever empowers you. Music. Radio. Podcasts. Meditations. There’s a wealth of inspiration out there in the sound waves.
Do what empowers you. Let go of what depletes you. The world needs your light.
Happy 2018!
In Courage,
Need some help with self-empowerment? Contact me.
Love these tips Marian! Certainly very much needed and appreciated. For some reason, it makes me think of Willy Wonka “So shines a good deed in a weary world”
Thank you from this sensitive soul 🙂
Hi Susan! Happy New Year. You’re very welcome, from a fellow sensitive soul. Love the quote! May you enjoy an especially empowering year! Sending lots of Love, Marian