It’s a struggle for so many of us. Certainly it’s difficult for a lot of my clients. Taking self-time that is. Meaning, time that is for you and you alone. Time used specifically for the purpose of self-care, in what ever form it might be.
Why so hard? It could be a busy schedule. Or a pile of obligations that keep piling up. Or the belief that it’s selfish or frivolous to take time for yourself. Whatever the reasons, the mere thought of stepping away for a dose of self-time often triggers feelings of guilt.
Taking quality time for ourselves is one of the best ways to replenish depleted energy reserves. This is especially important during busy times. Vibrant energy reserves are crucial to effectively navigate the complexities of daily life. While this might sound obvious, it’s often ignored. Not necessarily because we don’t know how important it is, but because we feel that we don’t have time to take time.
It can feel as if our obligations take priority over our own needs.
It’s important to understand why self-time is so important, and how it will help you. This will make it easier to commit to taking action. Next, it’s helpful to know how to take time, especially when you feel like you have none to take. Read on to learn more.
Taking Time for Self-Care will help you:
- Increase your ability to focus on priorities
- Reduce feelings of frustration and resentment due to an overwhelming schedule
- Increase your overall sense of well-being
- Feel more centered, grounded, and able to handle your day.
- Deepen your understanding of yourself, enabling you to more easily speak up for yourself.
- Increase feelings of self-love and appreciation
How to take time for yourself when you feel like you have no time:
Incorporate Pockets of Self-Care Throughout Day – A minute of deep breathing. A few minutes sitting quietly. A step outdoors for fresh air. It’s amazing how powerful a few minutes can be to calm an overloaded mind.
Start Your Day with Self Care –Dedicate time in the morning to practice self care. This could include meditation, journaling, prayer, bathing, reading, quiet time with a cup of tea, etc. Even 15 minutes in the morning can make a huge difference for the rest of your day.
Go to Bed Earlier –Quality sleep is essential for effective brain function, immune function, heart health, stress relief, and mood. Getting enough sleep means more energy, along with clearer thinking during the day. More energy and clearer thinking means easier everything.
Schedule Self Care – Make it a priority, just like anything else you would put on your calendar. Schedule time for meditation, therapy, a nature walk, art work, a yoga class, a sumptuous meal, a talk with a friend.
Set Clear Boundaries — Honor your time by setting boundaries around your time. Do this with the people in your life, and primarily with yourself. If you struggle with boundaries, start small. For example, choose a specific time during the day , or week, when you are not available to others. Stick to this boundary, and make it clear that it is to be taken seriously. When you feel ready, set additional boundaries.
Give your Mind a Break. Take a moments throughout the day to bring your mind back from wherever it is. Drop into your body. Bring your focus to each part of your body. Notice your breath. Notice what your senses are sensing. Bring your attention to this moment now.
Above all, appreciate yourself. The more you appreciate yourself, the easier it will be to prioritize time for yourself. Struggling with self-care can indicate a lack of self-love and/or worthiness. Make a list of what you truly appreciate about yourself. Refer to it and add to it often. Working with a trusted healing professional can be helpful to unravel feelings of unworthiness and self judgement.
Nourish yourself. Care for yourself. Love yourself. Take time for yourself.
Contact me to find out how EFT Tapping can help you create healthy boundaries for yourself.