I have a handy tool to pluck the dandelions from our lawn. It digs down into the Earth and pulls out the entire dandelion, roots and all. It’s quick and easy, and FUN.
A year or so ago, we misplaced our dandelion plucker. So, we bought a new one — a slightly different model. But the new dandelion plucker was ineffective. It was not nearly as good at gripping onto the roots — leaving some, or all of them behind.
Luckily, my husband just found our original dandelion plucker, tucked back behind a shrub in our garden. So I’m back in dandelion-plucking-heaven once again.
And, as I look at a closely at a freshly plucked dandelion, I can’t help but notice the metaphors begging for attention.
Picking dandelions, without digging for the roots, does nothing more than make the grass ‘appear’ as though the problem is gone. But as long as the roots are still there, the dandelions will grow back, over, and over again. There will be no real, long lasting change.
And of course, neglected dandelions turn to seed. Those lovely little wish-pillows. A gentle breeze, or an evening rain, will scatter the seeds across the lawn — sometimes into the neighbor’s yard — promising hundreds more dandelions in years to come.
It’s exactly the same with our self critical thoughts. We can do what we can to make appearances look right. Say our positive affirmations, and pretend that everything’s okay. But if our critical thoughts continue to lurk in our subconscious mind, they’ll come back to criticize us again, and again.
Of course, the longer we allow our critical thoughts to populate our minds, the deeper they will grow. And, just like those dandelion seed pillows, sometimes the smallest trigger can scatter them off onto family, friends, and colleagues.
Before long, without regular care, our minds can turn into a field of critical thoughts. Just like a field of dandelion seed-heads… Not very pretty — and out of control.
Unless we pluck them out, roots and all.
EFT Tapping is like my favorite dandelion plucker. With focused intention, you can use EFT to tap into the root of a critical belief, and dig it out. Roots and all.
Once a negative belief is uprooted, consciousness shifts. This shift in consciousness is what allows new positive beliefs to flourish.
My 3-Step Transform Your Inner Critic Method uses EFT tapping to uproot critical thoughts, and replace them with new, positive encouraging thoughts. Click here for more information.
Nurture and nourish the garden of your mind. Clear the way to allow your own brilliance to blossom and bloom.
If you’re new to EFT, I invite you to try it. Watch my demonstration for using EFT to release tension. For an illustrated description of EFT Recipe and Tapping Points, click here.