It’s easy to get caught up in the swirling spin of negative, worrisome, mind chatter. In fact, in times of trouble, your negative thoughts can spin out of control. It may seem impossible to get away from the troubles that beg for your attention.
Your negative mind chatter is convincing, conniving, and crafty. It will try to persuade you to pay attention to it and nothing else.
Mind chatter blocks access to your intuition. It can convince you that it’s more important (and safer) to focus on your worries than the wisdom of your intuition. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from TRUTH.
There are many, many reasons to tap into (and trust) your intuition, including:
- You’ll feel calmer.
- You’ll be able to tap into your heart. Heart resonance will help soothe an overactive brain, and boost brain effectiveness.
- You will be guided to your best next steps.
- You will understand your body’s needs during times of illness and health.
- You will gain new insights and ideas.
- You will know how to stay safe during times of danger.
- You will tap into deeper creativity.
- You will develop a deeper sense of trust in yourself.
- You will improve your relationships.
- Your inner guidance will show you how to create an authentic, happy life.
A few of my favorite, most effective ways to tap into intuition:
1. Morning Pages — Three handwritten, free-flow, pages, each day, first thing in the morning. This is a favorite technique of Julia Cameron, author of the Artist’s Way. It’s a type of uncensored journaling, that allows the mind to take a back seat. When you truly let go, it’s amazing how many intuitive insights will land amongst your words.
2. Solution Sourcing — Write a question at the top of a piece of paper. For example — “What’s My Next Best Step” or “What can I do to feel really healthy?” or “What can I do to boost business?” Next, take three deep breaths to calm your mind, and start writing. Write as many answers to your questions as possible. Don’t censor any ideas, no matter how impossible or ‘bad’ they seem. Just keep writing, until you have at least 15-20 ideas. Next, use your intuition to help you choose the 1-3 best ideas. Follow up by taking action.
3. Heart Breath — When in a stressful situation, stop. Breathe deeply. Shift your focus to the area around your heart. Recall someone you love, something you are grateful for, or something that makes you happy. The goal is to feel a positive feeling. Imagine that you are breathing through your heart, and focus on growing the positive feeling. Breathe this way for 15 seconds to 1 minute or more. While in this state, ask your heart for the best response for your situation. Listen to your heart’s answer.
4. Evidence Gathering– Create an ongoing list of all the ways your intuition has been right. Do this whether you followed it or not. Note the times you KNEW something before it happened. Or when you thought about a friend and they contacted you. Or when you made the right decision, despite appearances of the contrary. The more evidence you gather, the more you will believe in your intuition. The more you believe in your intuition, the more you’ll use it, and the stronger it will get.
5. EFT Tapping — EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a perfect way to slow down a busy mind. It helps release the stress, worry, and anxiety which accompanies negative mind chatter. EFT brings you to a deeper, more relaxed state, where you will find easy access to profound intuitive wisdom.
Your intuition is waiting for you! Tap in!
Tap into your Intuition with a powerful, one-on-one EFT Tapping Session, click here for more info.
Transform Your Inner Critic with a 3-Step EFT Method, click here for more info.
For an illustrated description of how to use the EFT Tapping Points, click here.