I admit, I got stuck in the rut of believing that creativity refers only to the act of creating music, artwork, or a written, theatrical or cinematic work.
And so I’d sit, and I’d sit, trying to come up with something creative. Or I’d wonder and ponder, “What will I create”. I wanted a finished product to prove my creativity. And rarely did it appear. Frustrated, I would walk away, not daring to ‘try’ again for a while.
The pressure felt too great. My expectations too high. Always looking so far ahead at the finish line, I never saw how I would get ‘there’ from ‘here’. So far, so why even try.
I had absolutely no clue of what creativity really means.
And then it came to me, what my daughters’ art teachers always said:
It’s the process, not the final product, that counts.
As I surrender into this wisdom, I see the TRUTH. It truly IS the process. The process of showing up and allowing creative flow to guide me.
And when I show up, and let go, trusting my creative flow, I am guided as I write my blog, or create a new program or workshop. It’s this trust that allows me to create. And it’s so much fun!
What I also see now, which was never so clear, is that creativity is everywhere. It’s in the creative solution to an old problem. The sumptuous meal made from left-over scraps. The enjoyable workout for a healthier body. The rejuvenation of a old friendship. A brand new perception of the same old thing. Creativity is everywhere we choose to use it.
Yet, how does it show up when we want it to? Here are some ideas to help you tap into your creative flow:
How to tap into your creativity:
Free Write: Julia Cameron, author of the Artist’s Way, recommends morning pages, three hand-written pages first thing in the morning. I’ve been doing them for 7 years, and I’m amazed at the insights that come from those pages. Any sort of free-flow writing will help you let go of the inner censor, and allow your creative genius to flow.
Use music: Music designed for better focus, such as focus@will will help you stay on track during your creative process. Cultivate your own sound track to facilitate focus and flow.
Get out of your head: Creative flow comes from a much deeper place than your logical, judgemental, mind. Allow your intuition to guide you. Try using the Heart Breath to drop out of your busy mind, and into your creative, intuitive heart. Click here for a free guided audio.
Meditate, regularly: Meditation will help you tap into the creative metaphors and visualizations which will inform your process. Keep a notepad handy to write down your insights.
Show up: Creativity will not flourish without you. Take that first step, and notice, that when you surrender to the process, it all comes together in a way that you never imagined. No matter how messy, when you stay with the process, it will transform.
Inspire yourself, daily: Do something every day to help yourself feel inspired to create. Read inspiring literature. Listen to inspiring podcasts. Walk in Nature. Visit galleries. Go to a show. Go window-shopping. Experience places and activities which awaken your sense of curiosity.
Use EFT Tapping: EFT will help you clear resistance, fear, negativity, and limiting beliefs. For an illustrated guide on how to use EFT Tapping, click here. To learn more about using EFT Tapping to tap into your creativity, contact me.
How do you bring creativity to the world. What is your creative genius eager to share?